Wednesday, February 24, 2010

a few thoughts about BINGE the movie

BINGE is a metaphor, a hub if you will for the SA social vigilantes; A market place of people who wonder more around in this overabundant market of choice and doubt… in a sense we talk more than we deliver; not in a procrastinating way, but in a manner that we KNOW that we have to have our ammo locked, ducks in a row, If you want to be a risk taker.

Then you have to make absolutely fucking sure that your backers… have your back. Within our country we have so many opportunities, but in order to truly make it we have to take that extra proverbial step, before you take the step that you truly want to… need to.

… But at least we have fun while we take life seriously. Binge is a story that shows that most of our important, constitutional & idealistic decisions are made with our friends, our families, on our own, our colleagues, with all or with none… but always in a social manner…with a dop… in the other hand a tong, clamping a chop.

To interject… actually to conclude… to BINGE: to live, to love, to hate, to hold, to yield, to yearn, to work, to slack, to crawl, to thirst, to LIVE, to laugh, to cry, to fall, to move in many directions, to rise, to be, to run, to do all in abundance... but at least... all in all... to find one's balance...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Comparing dick sizes… the ballad of the modern man while the woman patiently waits for the chorus.

Okay... sorry, but I always wanted to have a long title… HA! Anyways… this is one for the guys… can someone PLEASE explain to me what the deal is with all the flippin’ “movements”…. I mean like Alpha Male, Alpha Man, Metro Man… really? I mean seriously? Really? What the F*#K?

Bare with me, really going with the Emerson theory here… If I offend… so sad.

After the Bad Boy age and then the Nice Guy Underdog age… came the dreaded closet case Metro Man! What the hell is that? Okay, I can still get a manicure and then get a fitted soft silk shirt with my designer hair and shoes before I do a ruthless hostile take over, I’m like so rough! Grrrr! The worst… the women going for those guys. “He’s so in touch with his feminine side.” …. REALLY? One step too far! Oh and the man bag… even gay guys are going “WTF?” Finding Christmas presents yet? We all know that phase died out quickly, they listened to that little voice and came out! Great awesome! Got loads of gay friends, all cool people, in touch with who they are, DON”T HAVE TO ACT LIKE THE OPPOSITE SEX! Just note, not arguing the fact that one must look after oneself… just saying… lipstick for men? Really?

Well the flame burnt out at least…

But from the ashes rose the Alpha Man…

Neil Strauss, author of The Game, defines the Alpha Man as a guy who looks after himself (grooming minus the frosted tips), opens the door for a lady and still at the end of the day he doesn’t have to justify that he’s a guy, a man. Okay cool, I get that… but why and what the hell with all the tacts, the labels, the “keep them guessing” and “Keep them wanting more”…???

Side note: it’s like that stupid con job AKA The Secret… grootste klomp kak! The Secret that is… Um hallo people.. yes you who read, digested and applied The Secret (the obvious)… it IS CALLED LOGIC!!! You want something, you figure out a way to get it and you go for it!!!!!! Sounds familiar doesn’t it? Reaction requires action? Yes… no…yes? Be lethargic and expect the world to deliver… of course not! Age old fact!!! Here comes one fucking book and movie and everyone all of a sudden “gets it”… wow… blood pressure rising… gimme a second………………………………………………………………okay I’m good.

…where was I ? Oh yeah, Alpha man… WTF??? Same thing as The Secret, called being a gentleman, a confident well balanced guy, a nice guy who will open the car door for his girl, still stands up for himself, his woman, family and friends and can pee standing up. I’m not trying to slate the guy’s work, he is a pioneer, and I get it. My problem is this, why with the mindless following, the “grouping” the comparing of dick sizes.

From Bad Boy to Alpha Man! Didn’t forget about the Alpha Male… no comment, we know him well, fist before words, uses women, no respect for his friends (especially when he cheats cause “he can” and sleeps with his best mate’s girl), the guy who really prefers to be a doos cause of his own shortcomings, believes you treat her like dirt and she’ll be your bitch… sad part, women who go for that… REALLY? Says much about her… doesn’t it? The guy who sets us back a few decades by just opening his mouth. The oh so awesome Alpha Male… sad…

The ultimate spear head here is this… while we are on the field comparing dick sizes and redefining our current male status quo, the women… the woman you were meant to be with is standing on the side lines and waiting for you to figure your shit out!

Our parents taught us ALL this as we were growing up right? Be a good person, be strong, confident, brush your teeth, clip your nails, find your independence and be who you are! I say screw all the labels, status quos and ‘current definitions’… find your best qualities and apply them! Done… deal? Shweet!

Do all of it… whatever it is that makes you happy and further allows you to be yourself. Find her, she’s there, she sees you. Invite her onto the field to play the real game with you. Be you… a man… no Alpha, no Metro…

…just you.

Be good or great at it… much love… much respect… stay chunky… till next time.